Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 Installation Guide for Reference Storefront-Part 7

Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 Installation Guide for Reference Storefront-Part 7

Deploy the Commerce Engine

Before you Deploy Commerce Engine Make sure that all the Prerequisites are installed.
Compile the Commerce Engine

    To compile the Commerce Engine:
  • Install the Sitecore Commerce SDK by unzipping the file, located at the root of the Sitecore Commerce release package.

  • Run the Command Prompt as Administrator
      Navigate to Sitecore Commerce SDK unzipped file location and execute the below commands

    1. cd "D:\Commerce\Sitecore.Commerce.8.2.1_U2_1.2.62\Sitecore.Commerce.SDK.1.2.159"

    2. Execute the command:  dotnet restore

    3. Run the publish command to create a build of the Sitecore Commerce Engine in a local folder. For example:
      dotnet publish .\Sitecore.Commerce.Engine -o c:\Deploy\Sitecore.Commerce

      dot net publish

Create the Commerce Server databases

To create the SitecoreCommerce_Global and SitecoreCommerce_SharedEnvironments databases:

  1. Launch Sql Server Management Studio

  2. Execute the CommerceServicesDbScript.sqllocated at SDK(.\Sitecore.Commerce.SDK.1.2.159\CommerceServicesDbScript.sql)
    Note:If you are using ".CSFndRuntimeUser"Execute the CommerceServicesDbScript.sql.If not Modify the script with your "UserName" at line no -510,1043

Install the Commerce Engine service

  1. Launch IIS manager

  2. Create a new Application Pool called CommerceAuthoring and set the following

    • Set the .NET CLR Version as No Managed Code

    • Set the Managed pipeline mode as Integrated

    • Set the App pool Identity to "CSFndRuntimeUsercommerce authoring app pool identity

  3. Create a new IIS Site called CommerceAuthoring:

      • Set the port number to 5000

      • Set the Application Pool to the application pool to CommerceAuthoring you created in step 2.

      • Create a new folder in C:\inetpub called CommerceAuthoring and set the Physical Path to this new folder.
        Note:Make Sure that you have control for CommerceAuthoring Folder for IIS_IUSRS,CSFndRuntimeUser

    Commerce Authoring File path

  4. Copy the contents of the c:\Deploy\Sitecore.Commerce folder (created when you compiled the Commerce Server Engine) to the new physical directory you created in step 3.

  5. Verify that you can retrieve metadata from the Commerce Engine service via the following URL:http://localhost:5000/api/$metadata.

  6. Commece Authoring Metadata

Continue Reading Vikash Raaj


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